Thursday, July 17, 2014

Oh the people you meet...

A couple of months ago at work, I had a couple stop in at about six in the morning carrying large backpacks. They came in the store and got a couple cups of coffee. At first I thought that they were homeless as they appeared to be carrying everything that they owned with them. The husband saw me looking at their backpacks and told me their story. They are not homeless. They are from a small town in Iowa and have decided to walk across the country. Their kids are all grown and have left the house and they are both retired. And this is not the first time that they have done this – two years ago they made this same walk. They met a lot of amazing people along the way and are wanting to visit them all again and meet some more amazing people. The first time it took them about 4 months to walk to California and back home to Iowa. They are expecting to be gone for about six months this time around as they have friends and family that they would like to stay and visit with. I thought that this was an amazing story and I would love to be able to do something like this one day.

If I ever won the PowerBall

If I ever won the Power Ball, the first thing that I would do is put in my 2 week notice at work so that I could focus on school. Then I would pay off all of my family's debt. They have done so much for me in the past and it would be the least I could do. Then I would build my mom and grandma a house and one for myself. I wouldn't want something big and flashy, just a place big enough for me and, in case I ever get married, my future husband and a couple kids. I would then buy myself a brand new Jeep. This has been my dream vehicle since I was little and having one would be a dream come true. I would also set up college funds and savings accounts for all of the kids in my life - my cousins and my nieces. I would never want them to have to worry about how they are going to pay for school or how they are going to pay their bills while they are in school. After all of this, I would donate a large portion of what is left of my winnings to various charities and just put the rest of it into a savings account. I wouldn't want to live like a "rich person." I wouldn't want people to really know that I have money. These things aren't important to me. I would just like for me and my family to never have to worry again.